EpisodesFoundation CommunicationsInterviews

Episode Three: Grant Oliphant

By February 28, 2019 August 1st, 2022 No Comments

If anyone knows how foundations can and should use communications, it’s Grant Oliphant. Grant, who
was formerly communications director at the Heinz Endowments, now runs the organization as its
president. As a former board chair of the Communications Network, the national organization of
foundation and nonprofit communications professionals, Grant may be one of the country’s great
champions for our field. But Grant isn’t satisfied.

As Grant tells Eric in this episode of Let’s Hear It, “Many of the issues we care about are losing or at least
deeply embattled.” Grant says that foundations have a “sacred responsibility” to change the narrative in
the field and in the broader culture.

If that’s not a challenge, we don’t know what is.

In this very candid conversation, Grant and Eric discuss how foundation communications are advancing
social change, and how they’re falling short.